Frequently Asked Questions

1What is assessment?
Assessment in education, is the process of gathering, interpreting, recording and using information about pupil's responses to an educational task. It helps us distinguish between teaching and learning. The primary assessment is to foster learning of worthwhile academic content for all students. At VVIS we use assessment results in a formative way to determine how well they are meeting instructional goals and how to alter instruction so that goals can be better met. Assessment can be divided into three stages. Diagnostic Assessment ,Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. Diagnostic Assessment establishes the “starting point” of the student’s understanding. Formative Assessment provides information about the depth of attainment of guidance and instruction throughout the unit and summative assessment informs both the student and the teacher about the level of conceptual understanding and performance capabilities that the student has achieved
2Activity based learning
There is no substitute for hands on activities that require kids to use both their hands and minds. Here students are more engaged and focused and they do their best work when they are encouraged to actively explore and interact with any hands on learning process.
3How Teachers Work?
Staff talk about learning. Staff observe each other’s learning. Staff plan , observe, monitor and evaluate their work together. Staff learn from each other.